What is harmony?
People who know harmony keep asking me the same question, which must mean that it isn't all that clear...
Is it a discipline?
Is it a philosophy?
Is it a an approach to life?
Is it a formula for joy?
Is it simply "a way of thinking"?
Or, maybe, "a way of being"?
I think it's all of those things. Possibly I would anchor more on an approach to life, a way of being, and a formula for a joyful life.
Then, I was thinking... it applies to EVERYTHING... it exists in EVERYTHING...
I started thinking of it as the,
When I read great books, great quotes, great thoughts they describe the concepts of harmony in different words... or bolt into harmony as some subset of greater granularity and clarity.
Because Harmony is not the FOUNDATION of things, it is the way to process things.
Because Harmony doesn't really EXIST in everything as much as it applies to everything.
It sits ABOVE in the hierarchy of thought... above everything...
So then the thought came to me...
Harmony IS the
I smiled.
It felt right.
Harmony is not about "boiling things down" as much as it is about "cooking things up!"
It is the start of every conversation or thought for success not the end.
Are we catching ourselves "WISHING" life was different?
What is the "IS"... the "TRUTH" of the situation?
What do we "WANT"?
Harmony is where it all starts... in every moment... so that we can figure out the answers and the actions that make the most sense in our life...
Harmony is ultimately, whatever you want it to be...
to me... I really like the thought...
HARMONY is the HIGHEST COMMON DENOMINATOR of all of my thoughts, of all of my moments...
It's where I start...
It's what I come back to...
It's not what life is ABOUT...
It's how life should be considered, experienced, enjoyed...
HCD ;-)
in it!