Ultimately, there is only one question you need to remember...


If you think about it, "Why?" dives in, "How?" and "What?" tend to leap forward...

"Why?" looks for the cause... the intent... the core...

"How?" and "What?" ask for the solution.

Something is off in my energy, in my balance, in my days...

And so, I move forward stepping from stone to stone across the creek of this day, remembering to smile and often lost in my own thoughts...


Do I feel this way...?

Does joy seem a little more elusive than normal...?

Is it harder to get out of bed...?

Do I feel so hungry, so curious and so insatiable?

Am I not able to tap into gratitude as easily...?

Is my default starting with a wish?

It's not that life is not amazing... It's just that some days are more amazing than others ;-)

And, in those days...

I have to remind myself to smile...

bring my focus in to navigate the day...

and, then zoom my focus out to figure out...


Why is this day a little less sunny than the rest...?

And, then when I think I've found an answer...


And I consider my WANT... what kind of amazing day & life do I WANT to create?

And then I look forward and

step onto the next stone,

minding my balance,

breathing deep,

and catching myself



in harmony,


