I have at times heard the term "transactional" used in relationships...

and, it is so very descriptive of how many relationships are or evolve...

I notice two types of relationships (and there are probably more), or maybe it's two types of conversations that ultimately define the flavor of relationships:




Transactional conversations have by definition an exchange... I need this, you need that.  I need to do this, you need to do that.  There is always something being scheduled or given or taken as part of moving things forward.

Most of our relationships in our lives, certainly at work, tend to be transactional.

Transformational conversations are discussions where nothing is taken or given other than ideas... and the exchange is in the spirit of evolving of understanding of "transforming" ourselves into the next version of ourselves...

While transactional conversations are essential to the tactical execution and progression of our lives...

Transformational conversations are essential to the evolution and progression of our soul... of our being.

The world defaults to transactional... it's not only an emotionally easier place to hang out, there is a whirlwind of things that always need to be addressed that are easy to get sucked into...

Transformational conversations are less linear, less tangible, less clear at times as to whether progress of any kind is actually being made... but they are also so very necessary to pull us away from the daily consumption of the little stuff.

Each of us has a different appetite for these different types of conversations... and we have to be mindful and respectful of each other's need for and comfort in this space...

But, I encourage you to think more about the types of conversations that fill your days and fill your mind...

And, I encourage you to seek, engage and stay in transformational conversations as much as you can... as much as you can handle...

Transformational conversations and relationships may exhaust you, but they fill us... transactional ones consume us... 

Though, I think that may possibly vary by individual.  We may all be fulfilled by different types of energy... I suspect that and respect that.  And, I do believe even if true - transactional fulfillment is short term satisfaction whereas transformational fulfillment becomes a part of your foundation of who you are and how you see the world.

Transformational ones are the conversations where you explore

your dreams...

your fears...

your doubts...

your wonder...

your possibilities...

your aspirations...

your BEING...


the reasons for our existence, the meaning of our lives, the purpose of our days...

and, they are conversations that start to make sense and become clearer, but they take a lifetime of dedication and patience and persistence...

Transactions while necessary aren't our purpose nor our meaning...

And, a successful and joyful life requires a mixture of both.

Be mindful of your needs

and deliberate in your balance.


in harmony,


