Clashing thoughts in my brain this morning...

but this one seemed to make me smile the most,

and SEE what it is I try to see most clearly.

I remember being WOWed by CDs when they came out... the clarity of the music was amazing.

And, I remember learning about the difference between analog and digital.

ANALOG - (per is 

relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage.


DIGITAL - (also per is

(of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.

Expressed in other terms, analog is a continuous signal... in our TVs it was UHF or VHF (very high frequency or ultra high frequency) on the radio it was AM or FM (Amplitude or Frequency Modulation).

And, the issue with ANALOG is that the signal was often hard to reproduce... REMEMBER?

you had to find the absolute, exact place on that radio dial for the sound to be good, and then you'd drive and in a mile or two, it would suck again!

Analog had TWO really big issues....

- It was hard to "dial" in exactly so the sound was often unclear or imperfect.

- AND, OTHER SIGNALS got in the way!  The reason we got "fuzzy" sound and "unclear" pictures is because in the continuous streaming of data that was continuous by nature - STUFF got in the way and CONFUSED, ALTERED, or simply CONVOLUTED the signal and thus the sound or the picture.

Then CDs came along... DIGITAL music... EVERY note, EVERY pixel becomes a 0 or a 1 for an instant, and then in the next instant it becomes a 0 or a 1 again.  a 0 is always a 0, and a 1 is always a 1, and each micro moment is CLEAR... and sounds amazing or looks amazing.  Think about our television picture today and the sound of music today.  You no longer need the ridiculously big speaker because the SOUND ITSELF is PURE!

HARMONY and DISHARMONY - when you understand them... are 0 and 1 - they are clear.

Without the concept of Harmony and Disharmony - how we feel is "continuous", we don't separate our moments, we try to "dial" ourselves in, and then the moment changes and we don't feel right again... something has shifted.

HARMONY and DISHARMONY in the moment give us clarity and the possibility of perfection, in more of our moments... and better than "perfection" probably "deliberateness".

Harmony gives us something to compare to, to measure, to adjust to...

The concept, much like the DIGITAL signal, is to deliberately drive each moment to being a 1 or to notice if its a 0, not to simply feel life in its continuity without the ability to dictate the moment.  

Harmony helps us protect from the random and competing signals in our brains and forces them into part of the IS of our moment, so that we have to from ALL of our signals select our 0 or 1...

Harmony is seeing our lives through our big 65" HD TVs.., instead of seeing our lives through our 20" black and white analog TV trying to watch cartoons or cowboy movies on channel 20.

Harmony is listening to our lives in digital stereo, and not hearing the scratching buzz of static...



Get it?

Made me smile...

and the comparison inspired me...

in it,


