We made it home safe and sound... 

It was a long trip, and fortunately my son's discomfort did not get worse during the journey.

It is an unusual time to be home, since we weren't supposed to be here.

"FOUND" time is a gift.

This week we were supposed to be on a beach in northern spain, we had rented a house right on the water.  The two highlights were going to be a visit from my son's bud who was taking a detour on a motorcycle ride through Spain to spend a couple of days with us, and the opportunity to see my cousin who was arriving in Barcelona a day before we were supposed to leave...

"El hombre propone y Dios dispone" my father always said... (translated it means "Man Plans but God ultimately Decides"  - it sounds better in Spanish ;-)

I am still so impressed with the boys who did not complain a single word for leaving early or having a 38 hour journey home... 

I think we all felt like it was the right call... and we hope to make some new progress this week on his condition.  If nothing else, he is in his physical discomfort in the comfort of his own home... and that makes a difference.

But, moments are full of silver linings. 

I had a great run this morning with a dear friend I love - and the run was necessary, physically and emotionally.

Here is the best part of coming home (besides my son being back and getting some quicker medical help)... My cousin Carmen whom I wrote about years ago... she suffered a virus in her brain that put her in a coma for weeks.  I wrote about her because she was expected never to return to any kind of life.  We expected her to be "dead" by all metrics except that her heart was still beating.  Well through the amazing perseverance of my uncle (her father) and her own, she now sits up in a wheel chair,  holds your hand knowingly, and is starting to be able to answer some questions with motions of her hand.  She still cannot talk or move, but she is "present" and with us.

While it is extremely sad to see her in this condition, and often in great pain and discomfort, conscious it seems of her own condition.  She is making slow progress and we are hopeful that she will be able to start communicating in some way...

Well, she is coming to Baltimore (Johns Hopkins Hospital) and she arrives this week!  She is getting a procedure on her hip or legs (dont know the details) and they are also going to examine her to see if they can help her in any way to continue to improve mentally.

Regardless of the outcome of her visit, having her here is going to be a big undertaking (she is coming with 9 people and 11 bags). And, now I get to be here to help her, my uncle, and my nieces find their way from the airport to their hotel and help them settle in.

It will be amazing having them here for a few weeks and being here when they arrive will be a special moment that I very much looking forward to...

Also looking forward to a less than full throttle week, with some fun and relaxing moments with the family and friends... 

Moments with those we love... 

It's the only thing we need...

Regardless of which side of the pond you are on...

JOY is JOY...

Silver linings are still made of silver ;-)  

in harmony,


