So i wrote this past Monday about the thought - "consider all that had to happen along the course of the universe and mankind for you to have happened... for you to exist today...
As awesome as that thought is,
in many ways, it fails to inspire me.
because I did nothing to deserve it,
I can do nothing to affect it.
It just IS what it IS, and I am fortunate that it WAS.
There is another take to that conversation...
A perspective that in many ways defines me and my aspirations,
and that is -
CONSIDER the possible impact you can have on the trajectory of the universe and of mankind going forward...
For years, that thought also failed to engage me because the needs were so vast and my power so small...
except when I consider and embrace the concept of harmony.
The concept of harmony is the ultimate - "the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time" philosophy...
The Universe, Man's Journey... all of it only happens one moment at a time.
Prior to Man's existence - it was just the forces of nature affecting the course of everything...
And, now, while the forces of nature and the universe still control the vast and long term direction of all things...
We as human beings get to affect it.
And, while I realize that my ability to affect it less than infinitely small in the scheme of all time and the universe...
I realize that my ability to affect the direction, the happiness, joy, engagement, purpose, meaning and life experience of those I know... is real.
I realize that my being present, authentic, thoughtful, engaged, committed, empathetic, ambitious, curious, aware and DELIBERATE with of our interaction... can and does affect the trajectory and in many ways the flavor, if only for the moment, of the life experience of others.
THAT inspires me... moves me... drives me...
I am beyond fortunate to be here... I am the unlikely product of so many near misses... and I appreciate that... immensely.
But, what moves me, fuels me, motivates me... is the infinitesimally small but nevertheless possible affect that I can have on the journey... the mindset... the experience... the harmony of those whose life intersect mine...
The older I get... the more I see days, months, years pass... the more dedicated, the more passionate, the more focused, the more aware I become on this dynamic...
I know that my life will not alter the overall direction of the universe over the course of time, but I believe that my life can meaningfully alter the overall feeling of any human being over the course of any one moment... And, I am rational enough and humble enough to make that my platform...
I accept both my complete irrelevance and my amazing power.
Here is what I know...
The words of harmony occassionally connect with people...
The actions of harmony,
The experience of harmony,
The FEELING of being IN harmony
ALWAYS connects with people, impacts people, moves people... PULLS people...
whether they know it or not...
whether they are willing to admit it or not.
I accept both my complete irrelevance and my amazing power.
I am much less motivated and inspired by how I got here -
than I am by what I can do now that I am... here,
in this life,
in this conversation,
with you -
in this moment...
in harmony,