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My Tia Ileana is dying…

You would have loved her…


It used to bother me so - that death could come and go,

and so many would go about their days -

as if all was ok.


I must write about that soon.

I feel like death, or emminent death must be a higher priority.

It needs to take us off of our grooved habits and overscheduled lives,

To acknowledge the significance of a loved being… quickly disappearing.


Some cultures & religions have traditions for a certain period of mourning,

That feels right and appropriate.

Acknowledge death and make time for the absoluteness and meaning of it to leave an impression.

At a minimum, make time to feel the love & remember the life that is fading away.


I will write about my Tia Ileana tomorrow.

She was a warrior for Harmony, before I ever understood Harmony.

She was very possibly the most reassuring, reliable & loving figure in my life.

I don’t believe I trusted any adult as much as I trusted her.

Because she was always rational, she was always objective - and

she was always also gracious, respectful and loving.

She was my absolute truth.


I owe it to her.

I owe it to me.

To make time in my mind and heart and life…

To acknowledge her … in these moments and days as she fades.

Not because she is dying…

But because of how good she was at living.


Life deserves pause.


It breaks my heart.

I feel guilty sitting in the United States

knowing she is lying in her final days in Peru.

And, flying home doesn’t feel like a viable option…


Physical distance has always been my nemesis.

Emotional closeness has always been my friend.


I am confused, overly busy, full of joy and gratitude and deeply sad.


My Tia Ileana is dying…

and I am so beyond grateful for her having lived.

Her life has been a most beautiful gift.

And, I want to hold her hand tight.

And, I want to hold her memory even tighter.


in harmony,


