Hello there! It’s Mr. Sporatic, or really more like Mr. Absent.

How are you?

I miss you!

I don’t know the truth…

Do I feel less happy because I am not writing, or

Am I not writing because I feel less happy?

Maybe “happy” is not the right word.

I hate that word. I know I shouldn’t.

I like “joyful” better - it sounds deeper and more adult ;-)

I think I feel less “inspired”, and again I ask myself;

Do I feel less inspired because I am not writing,

Or, am I not writing because I feel less inspired?

I’m not trying to play games with you -

this is how my mind actually works.

I defined “inspired” as the believe that better is possible,

and in my heart of hearts - I do believe better is possible.

But, it is always easier to think of “better” by thinking of change.

And, “change” can make things better and is also difficult.

I think the hardest “better” to achieve is for yourself,

and your current situation; your routine, your work, your partner.

And, it is also so very often the most valuable.

Especially when you think about yourself.

I can’t change “myself”, I can only evolve and improve myself,

if better is indeed possible.

And, as human beings, we are creatures of habit.

And habits become so deeply entrenched…

At the end of the day - we are more our habits than our values.

I was reminded yesterday of how powerful mindset is.

It is everything.

How you think is how you feel…

How you see the world is how it is…

In order to experience life in a “better” way

You must learn to see the world, your situation, yourself

in a better light…

And, there is no more important habit to break

to change

than the first hour of our days…

I am committed to experiencing my life with greater joy,

and I will begin by honoring the first hour of my day

with activities that open my mind and heart,

that make me grateful to be alive,

that connect me to the universe…

So, that is why I am writing to you today,

to remind you

and me

that better is possible…

starting my day right -

in harmony,


