It’s amazing how different life feels


how different your days feel…


how much brighter the sun looks, and how much warmer it feels on your skin…


how much lighter you feel, how much more hopeful, how much your joy…


when your mind and heart feel like you…


have enough and ARE enough!


I feel it in my own soul - I feel the weight of unmet expectations so very differently


when I feel it from a place of enough vs from a place of NOT enough.


I am more patient with problems.


I am more understanding with people.


I am more disposed to feel joy and not angst, more gravity to grace…


in those moments - when I am grateful for my life - when I have and am enough.


That doesn’t mean we can’t want for things - but wanting them from a place of wanting to achieve more


not from a place of closing the gap… not from a place of “I deserve this”… not from a place of do or die.


not from a place of “I should have this already”… not from a place of “other people have it”…


NOT from any place, but from grace, from hope, from fullness.


The FACT is - we all have ENOUGH… AND - we all ARE ENOUGH!





But, be honest. How many moments in your day do you fail at accepting that, at owning that?


I fail more often than I succeed. Which is embarrassing… It’s ungrateful… It’s ignorant…


The MORE we want - the greater our passion and purpose can be… The bolder the spring in our step.


Springing forward - NOT to catch up… NOT to make up ground. NOT to close the gap…


Wanting more - springing forward… because we have the opportunity, the possibility, the capacity, the purpose of more….


And, hopefully whatever more you dream about… is about joy, is about purpose, is about love.


Not because we want MORE joy or purpose or love - but because it is our nature to evolve!


It’s not about more joy… heck it will be hard to achieve the joy we felt as children when we had in some terms so much “less”…


It’s not about more love… because it would be hard for me to replace the amazing love I had as a child from my parents, from my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins…


It’s about evolved love… a love that is evolving toward the person you know yourself to be today…


ENOUGH is ENOUGH… and ENOUGH is already here!


And, that is where we start our moment, our perspective, our days…


START with MORE THAN ENOUGH… and then allow yourself to dream, because your dreams will inspire you.


START WITH ENOUGH… and every interaction in the day will taste sweeter, lighter, brighter.


When I am enough in a conversation - I can focus my energy on the real issues, on the real problems, and on the best possible solutions…


When I am enough in a moment - I can soak up the colors in the trees, the joy or pain in my friend’s voice, the grace in their actions… I can see the world beyond my own needs… and connect to it.

When I am not enough - everything becomes about me.


When I am not enough - everything becomes about filling the other half of the glass.


When I am enough - my cup is full… And, I dream about sharing from my cup and filling it anew.


When I am enough - I can make the world a better place and make a little dent in the universe…






Now, let’s dream about tomorrow. Let’s go and achieve more - true to who we are…


Let’s achieve more because we can not we have to.


Let’s achieve more because in achieving more we experience joy and pleasure and life.


Let’s achieve more because the world needs more… more love, more joy, more thoughtfulness.


And, you as a soul in harmony who feels enough - has the superpower to deliver more!


Today feels colorful, bright, light, warm…


Today everything feels possible.


Today, and everyday, I am enough…


As are you…


in harmony,


