I was thinking the other day… what does it mean to BE grateful?

We say “thank you” everyday, “thanks!”, “THX!” – and, I realize there are degrees of gratitude, as there are with all human emotions…

But, I am stopping to think about, what does it truly mean to BE grateful?

How does it feel different from other emotions?

How often am I truly in gratitude?

It’s Thanksgiving after all…


First, as with any meaningful and deeply felt emotion, words limit us.

Words alone can’t capture gratitude.

Words alone can’t usually deliver it.

But, words are a start…


There can be grace in words – if there is grace in thoughts – which requires grace in heart.

When I am truly grateful for someone, which I try to be of everyone I know…

I speak differently…

Gratitude acknowledges effort, acknowledges hardship, acknowledges intent and contribution.

Gratitude accepts imperfection, encourages progress, carries empathy, invites candor and promotes selflessness.

When gratitude speaks… it speaks not in words of “thanks” but in thoughts of fullness, satisfaction, benevolence, grace.


Many say “thank you” often – but fail to deliver any grace in tone or the rest of their narrative.

Thank you’s that aren’t from gratitude are palpable, empty, wasteful. Everyone knows the difference.

When I am not truly grateful…

I am impatient, I am overly critical, I am aggressive, I am short. I am selfish. I am distracted. I am angry.


Being in gratitude ties together with feeling like “I am enough”.

It is hard, if not impossible, to feel deeply grateful when I feel inadequate or unworthy.  In those moments my ego steps in and takes over my brain to protect myself from pain. 

Gratitude is fullness… without discomfort.

Gratitude is joy… without an explanation.

Gratitude is light… when your eyes are closed.

Gratitude is warmth… wherever you are.

Gratitude is possibility without fear, love without jealousy, peace without conditions, achievement without effort, freedom…

Gratitude is fullness… generosity… grace.

Spend a moment or a few this Thanksgiving week… not trying to be thankful - but feeling the fullness of life, the great fortune of your life and of your blessings.

BE in Thanksgiving…

Grace to you and yours!

in harmony,




