I’m tired of not being enough… tired of needing to be more.

It’s time to get out of the “matrix”… It’s time to use my strength to OWN my life and direct it…

To make my life better I don’t need so much to decide what to do next, as much as I need to decide to own, accept, embrace

who I am

and, what’s already been accomplished…

own my countless blessings AND my role and value in helping to create the life I’m living.

It’s time to develop a NEW NARRATIVE, a new kind of “strength”…

It’s no more about getting the muscles that worked - now it’s about owning and sharing the gift I’ve been given…

Don’t focus on better

Don’t focus on more

Don’t be weighed down by guilt…

Focus on LOVE - Focus on JOY

Feel it deeply in my heart

And share it generously with the world…

NO MORE SHIELD - it no longer serves me,



Boundless love and beautiful grace!

I am worthy of my own life!

I am enough…

in harmony,


