I have been writing for a few weeks... and while everything I write is true and sincere to my believes... I am missing an entire dimension.

HARMONY is so very much in our grasp, and yet eludes the vast majority of us.

It eludes those most intelligent.

It eludes those most caring.

It eludes those best intentioned.

I  have seen people at the end of their lives broken from a lifelong struggle with disharmony.

I have felt the weight of massive disharmony in my everyday.

I have seen millions of dollars disappear because of disharmony in strategy and management.

I see it daily in the eyes of those around me, including my own at times.

HARMONY is not Roses are red, Violets are blue...

HARMONY is tears and heartbreak and hard decisions and discipline and self awareness.

I fight for it everyday with those I love and care about most.

I want so desperately to capture that struggle in a constructive and clear way so that others may learn from it.

I see the difference between harmony and disharmony - and there are few sadder moments in life than to see those you love choose disharmony out of ignorance of just a lack of willingness to embrace the reality of it.

I am tired of fighting for HARMONY in my own life, and yet, as long I live, as long as I breathe, I know no other way of living.

I want to write more clearly about how HARMONY affects business and the people around you so deeply, so personally, so completely.

I want to write more clearly about how HARMONY eludes us in marriage so systemically, so often.  How many great, enviable marital relationships do you know?

I want to write more about DISHARMONY, because I think in so many ways we can relate to it more readily.

EVERYTHING I WRITE is TRUE... it is part of my absolute truth...

And the truth is beautiful and blessed and gracious... and the truth is sad, and difficult, and challenging...

It is when we can get our arms around all of that - that we can then move forward.

Thank you for your patience.  I promise you this will be a journey worth taking...

It's the ONLY journey worth taking...

It's the ONLY path toward true happiness...

Of that, I am certain!

Yours in the pursuit of HARMONY,

Nestor Benavides
