Travel sometimes makes it tough to sit and think... and write.
There are moments when there are SO MANY thoughts running through my mind, that its almost impossible for me to catch one, and if I do, it may not be one worth mentioning ;-
I guess that is what meditation is for... I am trying to find time to meditate... Ain't happening yet!
HARMONY... where do I find it on weeks like this?
I find myself having conversations with myself. And, as long as I whisper, nobody looks at me too funny ;-)
Seriously, I talk to myself ALL THE TIME.
I wonder if everyone else suffers or enjoys the same thing?
One conversation that I am more mindful of these days is that between my mind and body. The more that is on my plate, the more things that I am trying to accomplish, the greater the weight of each every day, the more I find the relationship between my mind and body to be more important.
My body never feels “perfect”… far from it, but it often
Feels strong…
Feels fit…
Feels able…
And, I do so get energy from that feeling.
And, I remember that its not – I feel good OR I feel nothing. For me, at least, the conversation between my mind and body is, I feel good OR I feel BAD! That being the case, when all systems are go, I can’t afford the distraction of not feeling strong and fit.
Yesterday, I went to lunch at a great restaurant in Phoenix, AZ… You have GOT TO GO if you are there. It's called Barrio Cafe on 16th St and it is the most AMAZING Mexican food that you have ever had. It's not like other mexican food. I had a soup that was CRAZY good and VERY healthy. And, I so wanted to end it there. But they have these goat milk filled churros with ice cream that my mind just couldn’t pass up. My body kept saying NO… but My mind has a mind of its own ;-)
I thoroughly enjoyed the churros with a dark and rich cup of French press coffee (PERFECTION)… and then their was tension.
My body was clearly NOT SO HAPPY with the decisions my mind had made on its own. Words were exchanged.
So… the agreement that my mind and body had made, was that I would go for a run or somekind of workout. I found a state park just north of the city – and as you know Phoenix is a desert so park doesn’t mean trees.
I changed my clothes right on the side of the road. Put on my ankle braces that are like Viagra for my legs ;-) and I got on the trail.
The first half mile was NOT FUN. My body was clearly pissed off. Those churros did NOT need to be there. But my body carried on – and ran up the rocky trail up the side of the hill, up and down creeks, past massive cacti and funky bushes… I ran and ran, choosing occasional turns, hoping that I’d find my way back.
Forty five minutes in – I figured I’d gone almost 5 miles, and I was between hills and open spaces. The sun was lower on the horizon. The weather was perfect… with just a hint of a coolness in the breeze that wasn’t cool at all. I turned back. I ended up running about 80 minutes trying to keep a decent pace and not break my legs.
My body kept wondering whether my mind was enjoying it. It’s a love / hate thing… I kept wondering if I was so focused on the trail that I was missing the unique and beautiful view, so I kept trying to look up. But, the faster I ran, the more I felt the need to look down.
I did something which I seldom do while running I stopped, at the top of a hill, briefly, but I stopped. I looked around and my body and mind smiled together. All was forgiven.
There is a harmony that exists between our bodies and our minds. We don’t always pay attention to it.
Only you know how the conversation goes, and whose is the louder voice.
To achieve harmony in ourselves, we must be mindful of that conversation, and we must allow the relationship between mind and body to stay healthy. It’s like best friends, even if you haven’t talked in a long time, you can always pick up right where you left off. And the conversation can be wonderfully energizing, every day. And, the bond between them is unbreakable…
All is forgiven!
Achieve harmony…
Move your body…
Look up at the view as you are running…
And, occasionally stop, even if just for an instant, and let your mind and body smile at the moment together..
It’s amazing…
Imperfect and Strong... always in the pursuit of harmony,