the “key lessons”… the summarized pillars. It made me realize.., this concept of Harmony doesn’t have pillars… at least not clearly articulated ones.
So, what if I had to pick the top 6 pillars of the concept of HARMONY?
What would I say? For those of you who have been reading all along, this may be a boring review.... or an interesting summary...
Overall harmony, the essence of all success and happiness…
1. The ONLY PLACE when we can have an impact on our lives is in THIS VERY MOMENT.
We cannot impact the past. We cannot impact the future. And, the moments we dwell regretfully or anxiously on them are moments lost in disharmony.
2. EVERY MOMENT has an absolute truth, made up of all that IS, free of all perception and inclusive of all perspective.
The truth includes our strengths and our weaknesses, and in the case of issues that deal with people, it includes all of our strengths and weaknesses. The absolute truths includes all that we feel, all that we cherish and all that we fear. The absolute truth includes the truth we see and often, the truth we don’t see.
3. To understand the TRUTH we must ASK QUESTIONS embracing completely that we will never know the complete answer.
We must be relentlessly curious. We must be open minded. We must be vulnerable. We must be willing courageous to accept our ignorance. We must be EMPATHETIC.
4. Anchor our vantage point within the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. We must start every moment from gratitude and committed to expanding it.
Gratitude is EVERYTHING. IF you don’t feel grateful… raise your vantage point… at the highest point, gratitude for simply being alive to have the will and strength to face the moment is where it all starts.
5. Our ACTIONS in every moment must move and expand us us in the direction of who we want to be… into our opportunity.
Anchoring in gratitude in and of itself is passive. If we are truly grateful, we must be passionate about expanding on our gift and improving on ourselves… If we are grateful for life, we must then honor it with our will and passion to make the most of it. And, leverage every moment into the opportunity of what it can optimally be.
6. Succeed or Fail, in the next moment, we must start again and try again… committed to better understand the truth, anchor in gratitude of what is, and attempt to expand again into our want.
Moments by design, pass by quickly. They are atoms of life… nano steps of our journey. And, despite our best efforts we will fail often. Harmony is not about succeeding over and over. Harmony is about always showing up in the next moment, ready to go again! Every breath we take, every moment we live…
Harmony is about showing up playing the best possible tune… and trying to make the most pleasing and inspiring and rewarding and captivating music…
There are pillars for HARMONY in self, relationships, leadership, business, strategy…
I will try to tease them out… and see if we can make this concept easier to digest.
Once we have the pillars, then we can explore…
What are great examples of harmony and disharmony at each step?
Not perfect… but it’s a starting point…
Yours in pursuit,