A week ago, I told you that I believed in "magic".
The engineer and rational man in me shrinks a little when I say it out loud.
But, the romantic and feeling man in me stands tall.
Regardless, I thought it needed a little clarification.
Do I really believe in magic, and if so, how can we actually bring magic to life?
First, I really do believe in magic, but not in the kind that believes that rabbits really come out of hats, or that handsome men in tuxedos can make helicopters disappear on large stages.
I believe in magic...
the kind that comes from making dreams come true...
the kind that comes from achieving things we didn't think we could achieve...
Magic disappears when you are in the wrong job, in the wrong relationship or possibly, simply in the wrong mindset. When better doesn't seem possible... life is hard, heavy and void of magic.
When the purpose of life or work or relationships becomes simply to get through them, not to explore them, construct them, discover them... magic disappears.
And, I believe in magic...
the kind that comes from POSSIBILITY and HOPE.
I believe in it, because I feel it all the time... every morning.
When there is a possibility for better... I feel magic in my bones.
So, secondly, how can we achieve it? How do we make magic happen?
It's kind of like Santa Claus, or simply faith... you simply have to BELIEVE in BETTER...
When you allow yourself to believe that you can become a better version of yourself...
When you allow yourself to believe that you can be in love until the day you die...
When you allow yourself to believe that you can create a company that does right by people, that exists for the right reasons, that can make the world in a very small way a better place...
When you believe that your life and your love matters... that it matters to someone... that it has meaning...
When you believe JOY is possible in every moment...
When you believe deeply in the blessings and the great fortune that you have... when you are grateful for all of life... and BELIEVE that with your efforts you can not only make it count for yourself but for others...
THEN MAGIC is possible... a MAGICAL LIFE full of MAGICAL moments...
And, yes... I do believe in that kind of magic...
the kind that makes dreams come true, and makes possible a better version of myself tomorrow...
My rational, engineering self...
believes in MAGIC...
The magic that comes to life through grit, through perseverance, through hard conversations and hard decisions... through pain, through suffering, through determination, through deliberateness... through LIVING!
Through living with hope, with possibility and with harmony!
Yes, I believe in magic... THAT magic... I absolutely do!