I know how I can be better.
I know how we can be better.
It's really ALL about accountability.
And, two fundamental concepts of accountability are:
Using a Mirror, and
Being Specific
I saw a post this morning that resembled many I saw last night,
"HYPOCRISY is when republicans spent eight years disrespecting, delegitimizing, and obstructing President Obama, but now say we should "Come together to support our president because his success is our success."
While there is truth in that statement, and I do like the definition of hypocrisy as the "gap between words and actions".
What EXACTLY is that sentiment intended to do?
How is that statement or sharing that statement helping anyone?
First, it's NOT "Republicans"... it's not ALL of them, That statement in its first two words makes a GROSS generalizations and divides us as a country into two.
So, as a "Democract" (that's me grossly generalizing), so as an INDIVIDUAL who WANTS to move this country forward - how does DIVIDING us and using GENERALIZED DIVISIVE language help?
I know many Republicans - the vast majority who spoke of Obama with respect despite disagreeing with him (yours truly as a kind-a-Republican more-so Independent).
What does posting that message imply?
- Is it ok now for Democrats to deligitimize Trump because the "Republicans" did that to Obama?
Would that move us forward as a country in any way?
- If we believe in PEACE and STRONGER TOGETHER - shouldn't we EMBRACE the "REPUBLICANS'" plea for understanding and unity?
Hypothetically, if I want to collaborate - when I finally get an opportunity to collaborate do I choose not to because the person who now wants to collaborate didn't before?
My point is this...
If I truly believe in STRONGER TOGETHER,
which I do...
I take advantage of EVERY opportunity to be stronger together and to work toward that end.
I try to push us to STRONGER TOGETHER with every message, every word, every action that I take... because I am committed to it.
Think about it.
How are YOU LIVING the reasons why you voted for your candidate?
How are you bringing them to life?
Because at the end of the day -
IT'S NOT ABOUT OUR CANDIDATES... It's about US... THE PEOPLE and how we act, and how we show up, and what we say and how we interact that DEFINES US!
BE SPECIFIC in your comments, and STAY FOCUSED on the America you want to create.
President Elect Trump hasn't done anything yet as President -
To the extent Trump simplifies government, creates fiscal accountability, creates jobs intelligently, and works constructively and morally to resolve the issues that WE have - I will support and celebrate him.
And, if he pushes or speaks to hate or divisiveness in his policies - I have a right and a responsibility to speak up...
but for now...
I cherish the opportunity to heal, to come together, and EVERY voice that proposes that is a voice that serves my interest and my country...
Why do you post what you post?
What objective are you trying to satisfy?
Are you trying to show the world you are better?
Are you wishing the world was different?
Or, are you embracing and taking responsibility for your role in moving yourself and your community in the direction of your values?
Start with a mirror and be specific...
Is there any gap between your words and actions?
I can only speak for myself, and there always is...
And, I work in every moment to close MY gap just a little bit more.
In harmony,