"When you pursue something,
that means you don't have it already.
So, when you don't have it already,
you're in lack.
You cannot pursue abundance from lack."
Dr. Shefali
I have been seeing Dr. Shefali come up more and more in all places of social media. Initially, her thoughts were insightful and on point. They were trivial and meaningful.
The more I read from her, the more I listen to her, the deeper she gets. And, the more I am pulled into the conversation of flow, of authenticity and of abundance.
Again, the parallels to harmony strike me.
"When you pursue something, that means you don't have it already.
So, when you don't have it already, you are in lack. (Or, in DISharmony - wishing you had it).
You cannot pursue abundance from lack."
You cannot pursue harmony from disharmony...
That is where I separate - but carefully. I think we achieve the mindset of "lack" or "abundance" in the moment... so you can pursue a moment of harmony, from a moment of disharmony... you can pursue a moment of abundance from a moment of lack.
The question is where are you NETTING out... where are you at the end of the day...
When you lay your head down on your pillow... was your day - a DAY of NET ABUNDANCE or NET LACK?
Moments beget moments, day beget days, weeks beget weeks... and ultimately we call it life.
While it all happens in the moment... we live with the flavor of where we are NETTING out... and if we are netting out in disharmony, or lack... then harmony or abundance is hard to achieve...
BUT, you can change your mind... your net... your life... in a single moment.
I NET out in disharmony too many of my days... and then I feel guilty that I do... because my life is so very abundant. I "KNOW" that... but often I don't "FEEL" that...
I'm staying close to Dr. Shefali...
She gets it... and she is helping me think deeper...
Moment to moment...
"You cannot pursue abundance from lack."
You cannot pursue BEING...
in harmony,