So much going on in life right now... the examples of harmony and disharmony are everywhere around me... Every moment is full of both...

I saw this post on LinkedIn about ISO 45001, and I thought to myself...

"I really need to dig deeper and understand more the 'tools' of business, things like the real details of the changes in ISO, the ASTM standards... I want to break down the markets more granularly.  I want to spend more time meeting the experts in the different fields.  I want to put some thought and definition around the markets we serve, who we actually sell to... etc., etc., etc."

I want to know it all...  I have an insatiable curiosity.

I am so eager and committed to develop a better, more accurate model of the world.

BUT, time is limited.  I truly see the finiteness of time and of my capacity almost palpably.  

And, I come back to the 'highest common denominator' of human beings and our search for harmony, and I am BLOWN-AWAY but the level of disharmony and dysfunctionality in business and in life.  I am BLOWN-AWAY by the extent to which intelligent, well-intentioned, hard-working, nice people constantly create disharmony in the world around them by how they see the situations and moments, by their ability not to stop wishing, by the desire to be "right", by just being normal human beings...

I see the POWER and the POTENTIAL of HARMONY in almost EVERY situation, and it breaks my heart and weighs on my soul that I cannot change the world around me faster or more effectively... and then I catch myself "wishing" I could and being part of the disharmony.

So, here I am... not going away... and not going to be too distracted by the ISO 45001's of the world.  Yes, I'd like to know more specifically what it is, but that is not the biggest and best use of my time... learning about and sharing harmony and applying harmony to my life, to my family, to my company... IS...

Our time on earth is short... there are other people who are passionate about quality, safety, profit, technical excellence... and I am glad they are here and a part of my world... I NEED THEM!  And, as for me, I am going to continue to learn and understand and figure out how to better communicate harmony.

I saw a quote early this morning, 

"When you argue with reality, you lose, but only 100% of the time!"  Byron Katie...


When you don't accept the IS of your life, of your moment, you create disharmony in your life for that moment, but only 100% of the time ;-)

It's powerful beyond words...

It's the highest common denominator...

It's what I see... what I aspire to... and what I reach for in every moment... 

Take a deep breath...

Let's go again!

in harmony,


