“The ego is impatient

because it’s time is limited. ..

The spirit is patient

becauae it knows it is eternal...”



As the years pass, I understand better and better that life is short... 

But that rushing makes it even shorter... 

I understand how insignificant I am... 

but I also see the significance that I can help bring to life... 

I don’t think it comes with age... 

I think it comes

with curiosity...

with openness... 

with humility... 

patience does. 

I am more aware of

my spirit...

of my soul... 

I appreciate my journey deeply... 

and I am still rushing... 

I don’t think I am rushing for me... 

but I’m still rushing... 

And I want to stop... or at least live more patiently... 

I look around in awe... 

I truly am so very small... 

and the universe so very vast... 

I have so much to learn... 

I breathe deeply and smile... 

”no rush” is the thought lingering in my mind... 

not there yet! 

in harmony, 

