There is




that resets all disharmony for me, 

almost instantly. 

No matter what is going on... 

If I feel off... 

I ask myself, 

How many BILLIONS of people in the world would trade places with me right now?” 

Think about that... 

Of the 7.3 Billion people on earth, how many live in greater peace, with more comfort, with greater opportunity? 

Truth is the vast majority of the worlds population would trade problems with me in a heartbeat. 

That helps me put my life in context! 

Heck... not just the 7.3 Billion now, but if the approximately 100 Billion that have ever lived... how many would trade places? 

Conparison is often the “thief of joy”, but that is only because we focus on the very few that have something in their life we wish we had... 




The time we have been fortunate enough to have been born in... 

The country we have been fortunate enough we have been fortunate enough to be born in... 

”How many Billions would trade place with you RIGHT NOW?”...

A single thought... 

A powerful truth... 

A transformative moment...

of context. 

in harmony, 


