When I wrote this in 2014, my father was very much alive, my mother could still talk, my boys were all still living at home… and I was still chasing what I thought was my professional dream…

5 years have passed… my father is no longer a part of our physical world, my mother rarely speaks a word, two of my three boys are now living in college in other cities, my wife and I, married for nearly 27 years, are closer than ever before, I turned 50 and my company became part of a multi-billion dollar global company… and I realize I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up…

Time comes with sadness, with challenges, with celebrations, with joy, and most importantly with lessons… be awake for the lessons…

Life moves fast…

I remain an ever loyal “Gratefulist” and I am convinced that is at the heart of my growth, peace & joy… and the struggle never goes away, it just evolves… And, I am grateful for the struggle as well!

FROM 2014

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving…  Self Proclaimed "National Gratefulist Day"


I LOVE Thanksgiving.


I don’t know why…


Maybe, its because I get to spend a few days with my family?             


Maybe, its because we get to spend a few days with our extended family whom we see only a few times a year, and whom we love and enjoy?


Maybe, its because I get to pause and catch up and reflect on the year that has past?


Maybe, its because I get to plan for the final 4 weeks of the year and make sure I prioritize appropriately?


Maybe, its because we get to celebrate together and there is no pressure to buy thoughtful presents?


Maybe, its simply because I get to think about all of the things that I am grateful for…?


I wrote a while ago about the concept of being a “gratefulist”.  I think that is the best kind of person to be.  It’s not an optimist, someone who believes things will work out for the best.  It’s not a pessimist, someone who believes things will work out for the worst.  It’s not being a realist, someone who believes things will be what they will be.


A “gratefulist” is someone who is grateful for what is… whatever that may be. 


A “gratefulist” is someone who realizes there is always something in our reality, in our current situation, for which to be grateful.


A “gratefulist” is someone who knows that sometimes things will go well, and sometimes they wont, and regardless, there are things for which to be grateful.


Tomorrow is OUR day, my fellow gratefulists.  Tomorrow, the world joins with us, to say THANK YOU!


I am thankful for so many things… so very deeply grateful… everyday…


For my ability to walk,

For my ability to breathe,

For my great fortune of being healthy,

For my great fortune of living in the United States,

For my great fortune of being intelligent enough to know what I need to learn,

For the amazing gift of freedom,

For the amazing power of reason,

For the endless love of my sons,

For the uncompromised loyalty of my wife,

For the gracious love of my friends,

For the wonderful dedication of my colleagues,

For the unlimited opportunity of my work,



For the people who see some value in my passion…

For the now HUNDREDS of people who choose to take a moment from their day








For YOU and

For the fact that because of you, and others like you,

I write a little bit more often,

I understand harmony a little bit better,

I live clearer, happier, more purposeful, more deliberate, and I hope, more impactfully.


I used to want to change the world… now, I am so very comfortable and patient with the with the goal of changing a single moment for a single person…


Because of YOU…


I write more…


And, I am thankful…



I love to write.

I love to share.


But, I don’t want to impose.


And, YOU  have “subscribed” to follow this conversation,

YOU fuel my fire. 



You AMPLIFY MY HARMONY and as a result, hopefully, others' harmony as well!


I remain your devout gratefulist.


Join the revolution!


Celebrate Thanksgiving Everyday!  Gratitude is the seed of all happiness.  It is happens when you acknowledge, accept, and APPRECIATE the truth of your moments… as the launching pad for many more.


Yours in giving THANKS and harmony,


