Do you allow yourself to dream?

Because dreaming is breathing...

Are you afraid?

I am.

At least a little...

Dreams are scary

Because they make failure seem possible...

At times, seem inevitable...

What if I can’t?

What if I don’t?

Have the time..

. ... the courage

... the intellect

…the strength...

To bring my dreams to life?

Do you allow yourself to dream?

Are you afraid?

I am.

At least a little...

Is it dreaming that scares me?

Or, the possibility of living without them?

Do you ever wonder...

Did your mother dream?

Do you ever consider...

Would you be here if she didn’t?

Allow yourself to dream...

Because dreams are how we see tomorrow!

Dreams are why tomorrow matters...

Dreams are why we can not fall asleep...

Sometimes my days fade into nights,

And then my dreams fade into days!

I can’t tell sometimes

Where my dreams end

And my today begins...

Allow yourself to see

What dreams may show to you...

Allow yourself to feel

What dreams may inspire in you...

Memories of dreams

simply become memories...

Allow yourself to dream...

Is life a tragedy that ends in death?

Or, is life beauty that dreams make real?

Can you stop yourself from dreaming?

Or is pretending not to dream Just a story we like to tell?

Dreams are how we see tomorrow...

And, why tomorrow matters...

Dreaming is breathing

Breathing is living...

Are you afraid?

I am.

At least a little...

Allow yourself to dream

And, as your day fades into night...

Allow yourself to


And watch

your dreams

come in



In harmony,

