I know time has passed... 

And though I look up to look you in the eyes... 

I see the little boy in you. 


I realize how smart you’ve become, 

but I see that subtle hesitation, 

I see the wonder and the questions... 

I see the boy in you. 


I know you are independent and capable, 

and yet you still let me kiss you on the forehead

and hold your hand... 

I sense my boy I’ve always known... 


I know you are ready to take on the world, 

and the world awaits... 

I hear the little boy in your laugh...

I see my little boy in your smile…


What can I do?   

I know time will continue to pass... 

and you will continue into manhood. 

I admire the man you are becoming... 

But son,

I will always see the little boy inside your heart - 

I will always worry about him.

It’s your job now to take care of him…

as mom and I have taken care of you.

Don’t ever lose him...

Protect him, 

Treasure him,

Be kind to him,

Hold him gently…

and, love him

as I do... 

as I, 



in harmony, 

